Cicero tape measure This tape measure has cm and cicero units. The cicero unit used to
house of fine print & paper goods
Cicero tape measure This tape measure has cm and cicero units. The cicero unit used to
Jenny Dalenoord Did you know there are people amongst us who get a happy feeling when
Power type! A cheap pocket edition in glossy orange ink on a fake leather embossed paper.
Dutch gift This beautiful little book cost me a few euros in a bookstore in the
needlework type To finish the series on needle-crafted type with a sunday feeling, here are two
Super Tailor’s Tape I feel that if things stay on your table for a long time,
Alexis Keunen This colourful lot is part of the Livre du Mois collection, published for a
Primetta In Blink! I show stuff that tickles the corner of my eye. Shop window in
Dick Bruna Striking but unconventional. Four shouting elements – an extra bold slab serif title, a
book cover Seen at Books by the Sea, a nice second hand and antiquarian bookshop in
grand openings 2 Another flea market finding, this book by Léon Bloy first struck me for
faience? Ninove, today. Postscript has taken over the market…
Another stitched alphabet Another great exercise, dated 1921. While she has all the other N’s right,
Grand openings! Starting a series on book design, I like to present you a book I
Bonsoir! This piece comes from a lot I found in a ‘brocante’ in the Blaesstraat (Rue
Picture taken last june. Amazing how a Garamond lowercase a coexists with some graffiti and a
Bijloke bier For this beer label, I adapted my Peghole Fontstruct to hang from the top
Martinas Today is mosaic day, or tiling day if you like your mosaic a little more
When I was a kid, we had no computers. But did we have pixel art! It
Me just continuing the path set out by the incision sketches, my son claimed this
Less abstract, this lettering. My pencil definitely wanted to draw some b’s. Number three is funny,
Sketches below and in earlier posts are to some extent absent minded. The hand moves over
Some R’s These were done some time ago. New sketches coming up…
another useless scribble from my time-buyer/time-killer series…
… do the devil’s work. Front and back cover are built of two spot colour plates
Letters are as much about the inner spaces as about the printing part. No new thought