sixties invitations.

A pile of invitations to openings of art shows in Galerie Daniel Cordier, Paris and Frankfurt, between 1959 and 1963. Beautiful leaflets, the same size when closed, open differently: folded or bound, some stapled. Some are mere invitations, some are small catalogues. All make great use of different paper stock and the graphic design is often striking. I will show some of these in detail in future posts.
Daniel Cordier, art collector and writer opens his first gallery in Paris in 1956, followed by Frankfurt (1958) and New york (1960). He ends his career as art dealer in 1964, due to the crisis in the market, but also for personal reasons, not being able to combine that job with his love for art itself: “le danger pour un marchand de tableaux qui aime la peinture est de devenir un commerçant, de perdre tout contact avec ce qui a été à l’origine de son entreprise : l’amour de l’art.”
A good introduction to the man and his work can be found on the site of ‘Les Abattoirs’ in Toulouse, where most of his donation to the French state resides. That’s where I borrowed this picture from.

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