Bijloke bier For this beer label, I adapted my Peghole Fontstruct to hang from the top…
analog pixel art 2
Martinas Today is mosaic day, or tiling day if you like your mosaic a little more…
analog pixel art
When I was a kid, we had no computers. But did we have pixel art! It…
g-thing three and a half
off to sleep.
g-thing three
g-thing two
An old sketch with new digital layers on top.
More incisions…
Me just continuing the path set out by the incision sketches, my son claimed this…
Some b’s
Less abstract, this lettering. My pencil definitely wanted to draw some b’s. Number three is funny,…
Sketches below and in earlier posts are to some extent absent minded. The hand moves over…
Abstract lettering
Some R’s These were done some time ago. New sketches coming up…
Abstract lettering 2
another useless scribble from my time-buyer/time-killer series…
idle hands…
… do the devil’s work. Front and back cover are built of two spot colour plates…
Abstract lettering
Letters are as much about the inner spaces as about the printing part. No new thought…
blind lettering! Fontstruct is fun, but square. Time to break out of the grid. Let’s play a…
Peghole Narrow Black
A wide version called for a narrow one. But narrowing a 3 block letter meant sacrificing…
Peghole & Peghole Wide
After my avantgarde adventures, back to some working stuff: Peghole is finished, including punctuation, accented letters…
rock bottom…
Always searching for less, one is bound to hit the bottom. In my quest for ever…
Tyrone is feeling better…
Glad to inform that Rob downloaded and printed Tyrone from Indesign. And had no spacing troubles….
Alas! Tyrone stutters…
My Tyrone Struction had a flaw that seemed solved, but now strikes back. In the review…
3 block fontstruction Working on peghole. The rules: only 3 block-shapes and their rotations or reflections:…
tyrone online!
download the truetype version at:
Family fun! This one too started a while ago. Also put on hold because the continuous…
Bop Closer
Made this version of Bop Carre a while ago, but kept it in the drawer since…
dansen in de blokkendoos
Als reactie op één van mijn FontStructions kreeg ik de vraag waarom ik niet consequent een…
Verdere avonturen in FontStruct.Tyrone, of maximum karakter in een minimaal grid.Een link volgt wanneer het Struksel…
Wanneer je Fontstructions* bouwt kan een kleine aanpassing aan een bepaald letterteken plots je hele font een…
atomic scissors 2
Atomic scissors FontStruction is klaar:
atomic scissors
… is het FontStruct waaraan ik momenteel knutsel.(wordt vervolgd)
Modulaire fonts bouwen doe je met FontStruct, een webapplicatie van FontShop. Gratis en verbazend eenvoudig in gebruik. Echte typografische…